Sunday, September 15, 2013


School has officially begun! I am working part time now and going to school and Ste is studying hard in his program! He has been super busy but doing so well.  On Tuesday he went to a conference and met a few people that worked at big accounting firms.  We are trying to decide where and what we want to do for our internships next summer.  I haven't been able to hear back from the internship coordinator but Stewart is going to be applying to places this week so I need to get on it and make sure there is a place that I can do mine! We will have to see what happens and where we could possibly go! 

During the last couple months, Ste, grandpa, and I have been building a bookshelf! Okay, so mostly Ste and grandpa.  I am usually taking pictures, sanding, or holding stuff while they cut.  I am not very good on the saws so I was there for support, mostly. It was so much fun though and I love having the bookshelf! In our little apartment it really made a different in our storage space! Thank you grandpa!!!

Last weekend was the Texas and BYU football game.  Ste and I were on our way but once we hit Brick Oven, branches started falling, wind was pushing us forward, and we were getting soaked.  We made it to the bathrooms by the tennis courts to be covered from it all, mostly.  We watched people run by for about half an hour then decided to go back and wait until the weather cleared up.  The storm was awesome and I am so happy we weren't at the stadium when it hit.  When we were walking to the game the second time there were so many people walking to the their cars or home completely soaked and looking miserable.  Definitely happy we did it the way we did!  BYU won and it was so much fun to watch.


I also got the chance to see Joel before he left on his mission!!! I am so proud of him!


  1. I love your bookshelf! What a treasure. Paul was one of those people who got totally soaked and had to run home and change, but he said it was "awesome!" :)

  2. So your "fashionably late" schedule saved you from being soaked. So glad you made the game. Shelf looks great.
