Sunday, January 19, 2014

Wedding Pictures!

As I was stealing pictures from Christmas from my mom's camera I came across these pictures that I never saw! These are pictures from the reception we had in Sacramento at Monica's house.  

Can you believe this was nine months ago?? 

On top of the decorations, sandwiches, and homemade juices... Monica also made this beautiful and delicious cake!

These pictures are some of the ones that Juliana took when we went to Washington. Love them!


  1. Time does fly! I loved the giant black & white photos that you decorated with - so clever! Juliana is a talented photographer; perfect that you got some orchard shots. You both just radiate joy in these photos <3

  2. Seems like someone woulda mowed the orchard before these were taken.

  3. Did you ever notice the heart that is shaped by the branches in the last picture?
